

I've decided to start a personal blog. Why? I'm not completely sure. I suppose it's this innate need to write and with the recent move (more on this later) I figured I could cover my bases and keep everyone informed on what's going on in my life.

First things first, I moved from Kent, Ohio- my home for 4 years- to Louisville, Kentucky. The move was pretty sudden but I think for the best. It's a scary thing. I don't really remember life before Kent, at least not until now. The day I left i thought I would never be able to shake the idea that Kent would always be my home, the place that consumed my heart, but it's funny how quickly you forget. It still holds a very special place in my life and always will, but it's certainly no longer home. That being said it's still the home of many of the most important people in my life so I will be there as much as possible. It's a nice memory but I'm ready to move on, maybe more ready than I could have thought.

Louisville just feels right. It's the place I'm almost certain I am meant to be at this point in my life. I don't feel like a lot of people can say that about where they are, me though, I have enough confidence in that being true. It's a little rough now, what with not knowing anyone but I'm patiently awaiting the turning of the tide. I have never had trouble making friends and I suppose now is the time to really put those skills to work. Until then, I am enjoying being alone for the first time in my life. I am managing to find time to do things that I always put second to the people in my life: reading, working out, enjoying the outdoors. It's surreal living the life you thought you'd have 5 years from now. But all that being said I can happily say I'm not content. I'm ready for a job, ready for school. Somewhat because it will help fill my days and make it easier to meet people, but mostly because it just feels like the next step in this whole empowerment process. So along with all the relaxing I have been doing, I'm also doing a whole lot of research. You're almost there, Ginger.

There are people I left behind in Kent that I wake up some days and wish could be here with me, experiencing this adventure at my side. My best friends and boyfriend are all included in that list. There are days though, that I know its great that I'm here alone. It's a little bittersweet having to share things with them from a long distance, but I know its for the best. The biggest things are going to happen for me this year and I know they wouldn't be the same if I weren't doing it all on my own. I miss everyone greatly though. I know I have many journeys ahead of me but I am grateful and proud to count Kent in a chapter in my life. I'm even more so happy to have met the people I have there. They are my backbones and my strength and some are even family. The people of Louisville have a lot to live up to.

I'm not sure what else to write in this entry, as this adventure has just started. I have high hopes for it and how great its effect on me will be. I'm going to do my best not to be let down. Stay Tuned, world, this is going to be a big year.


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