

And the job-hunt continues...

I had an interview at Forever 21 today. A GROUP INTERVIEW. This seems really easy for everyone else in the world but for me, it's painful. First of all because I hate that if you have anything good to say everyone else says it too or someone says it before you and you're stuck in the rut of trying to figure out how to not just say "yeah, what she said." Secondly, because as much practice as I have at it, I'm still awful at speaking in front of groups. And thirdly because I'm not sure I shine in a group. I get all professional and "this is why you should hire me.." and my personality doesn't come out...


Today, i kicked some group interview butt! Lucky for me I was stuck in a group of people who A. Didn't talk loud enough, B. Probably I had no idea they were interviewing at Forever 21, and C. wore sweatpants. SO THIS IS HOW YOU STAND OUT IN A GROUP INTERVIEW...

Anyways, Hopefully they call me this week, if not they will be hearing from me. Because let's face it, if you're me, why wouldn't you want to work at the LARGEST FOREVER 21 IN THE COUNTRY?? That's right. And honestly, why wouldn't you want me working there if you were the managers? Anyways, cross your fingers.

With that exciting news, comes more. I may have made a friend. I know it's really early in the game, but a girl I interviewed with (the only other competent one) stayed after for a bit and we chatted. She was small and asian and adorable and I really hope we both get hired so that we can actually be friends outside of the scenarios I have already thought up in my head. Her name is Michelle. Ginger and Michelle, Friends. God let's hope she never reads this. Then we will never be friends. :)

Anyways, today is Wednesday and with Wednesday comes the promise of actually leaving the house for the night to experience other people via dinner. I know it sounds nuts that a little thing like dinner would feel so exciting, but it does. I haven't been out of this place (minus the job hunt) in almost a week. I NEED this, guys.

Things beyond that (and the fact that I am obviously slowly going nuts based on this post) are normal. I miss everyone. It's nice though. I have never been a phone conversation person, at least not since the invention of texting, and its been so nice to actually speak to people. I'm so glad that I have friends that even from 500 miles or so away can actually find time to keep in touch. I'm a lucky girl.

My sinuses are killing me, by the way. It would be just my luck that leaving dreary Kent, Ohio for some place sunnier and fresher only made me sicker. Why was I not given the memo about how the Ohio valley ROCKS you sinuses? How have I lived 21 years without this information? Well I guess as often happens in my life, I'm learning from making the mistake. Hopefully my immune system learns as well.

Also, I feel like a foreigner. Which normally, would be hell, but here, it makes me so cool. I HAVE AN ACCENT. I don't dress like anyone. That, my friends, makes me the cool, mysterious new girl, and you best believe I will be milking that for what it's worth. I went to Walmart yesterday in a pair of jean cut-off shorts, a scarf, and my fedora (scrubbing it up, if you ask me) and I go so many strange looks. Some out of awe (THAT GIRL MUST BE FROM THE CITY!!) and some of HUH?? Both I took to heart, because hey, I'm not from Kentucky and you ain't never seen nothing like me! ;)

That's all the rambling I have for this sunny, 60 degree Wednesday. Maybe more will come to me as the night moves on but until then, there's always tomorrow.


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